Saturday, October 31, 2009

So many online resources

I have been surfing around the web during my extended illness and I have found no shortage of very cool internet sites that offer interesting services to teachers and students alike:

delicious: online bookmarking
glogster: interactive poster creation
animoto: slideshows (and you can apply for an education membership)
edmodo: kind of like facebook for the classroom
twitter: a great way to update others about classroom news or to receive great tips about education

I am curious to know if it's possible to use facebook for education without the friend thing happening. I don't want to be able to see student profiles, but since most of them are on facebook anyway, perhaps it could be used just to remind them about homework? Few seem to have a definitive answer for this question.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Web-based resources

The Elevation podcast produced by Ryan Ewaskiw and other TVDSB employees has provided so many awesome resources. Check out Bitstrips for schools and for some very cool options for student projects.

On another note, great to work with Barrie again, this time with a focus on action research. The only problem is that every time I attend a meeting with him, he reminds me how bloody complex our job is. So many things to remember and think about!