Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Teacher Talk, Episode 3

Here are some activities/structures being used by teachers at Parkside:

1. Jigsaw (career studies)
2. Presenting/Reviewing content in the form of a game (French)
3. Inside-Outside Circle for content review (social science)
4. Round Robin and Pairs Check (science)
5. Providing simple costumes for kids when reading Shakespeare aloud
6. Reading stories, scripts aloud, with students adding sound effects (English for both)
7. Reviewing content using "Find the Fiction" (geography)

Such a great variety. Most, if not all of the above can be used in any class/curriculum area. Thanks for sharing these ideas.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Hi All,

I enjoyed our session.
Aaron, you forgot to mention the strategy that you suggested!

