Thursday, November 02, 2006

Good things to come...

Our regional teams met at the Hellenic Centre today and spent time focusing on what we would like to see happen in Thames Valley in terms of keeping the II initiative alive and kicking. It was a very productive day and I am quite optimistic that all of the time and money spent on this worthwhile venture will not be wasted. It is always refreshing to see Barrie and I was again reminded of 2 things:

  1. how complex our job is
  2. how much we can do to make help students learn

I posted some comments about teambuilding and I think that is what I will base my action research project on. The plan is to do teambuilding on Mondays at the very least and to ask students what, if anything can be gained. I would also like to incorporate more reflective writing into my lessons. Perhaps a lesson template with built-in reminders? That's it for now. Cheers.

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