Monday, February 19, 2007

The Exploratory Phase

Something that I have really tried to improve upon over the past week or so is using the "exploratory phase" of the lesson more consistently. Instead of jumping into the content, we need to access and assess the learners' prior knowledge in addition to engaging them. That phase should be followed by some sort of authentic task. Why use this model? It increases the likelihood of real learning.

For example, before explaining the concept of a Mind Map, I asked the kids to write down the purpose of a road map, then identify common features of a road map. Tomorrow, we will review the aspects of the road map and the kids will have their first opportunity to draw a Mind Map. Both types of maps have shared attributes, and it's easier for the kids to see the rationale behind using the Mind Map. They often complain about having to use colour and symbols, but you will rarely find an effective road map that lacks colour and symbols.

I hope to be able to comment on the success of the maps later in the week.

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